Thursday, 11 September 2014

You're Wrong About Rats!

You're Wrong About Rats!
You're Wrong About Rats!
Many people consider rats to be unfriendly beings who set out to ruin people's property. This isn't the case.  They are actually highly social and enjoy the company of humans. They also become lonely and depressed if they are separated from their own kind for a period of time.

They are effective communicators. Rats use a combination of teeth chattering, tail signals and rapid eye movements to let their friends and family know what they are thinking.

Their teeth are constantly growing at an astonishing rate of 5 inches per year meaning they have to keep chewing hard materials to wear them down.  This is why they do so much damage to cars, industrial robots and machinery.  A US study from 2009 found that around nine billion dollars of damage is done by rats per year in the US alone.  The world-wide total will clearly be more than this.  These figures are despite all the trapping, poisoning and repellents available.

To counteract this, a new invention has been designed which creates a rodent-free zone around the car or machine you are setting out to protect.  Check out the website, there's more information on how it works and how you can hold of one.

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