Thursday, 11 September 2014

Unusual Information About Rats

Unusual Information About Rats
Unusual Information About Rats
Not many people know how social rats are.  They have friends and outwardly enjoy the company of humans.  If they spend a long time on their own they become sad and lonely.  They talk to one another through clattering their front teeth together.  They also vibrate their eyeballs and make use of their tails to signal to each other.

Rats tails are also used to control their body temperature. They are surprisingly able to go longer without water than a camel. This is due to their particularly salty kidneys which draws as much water as possible out of their urine.

The famous Karni Devi Temple has many thousands of rats which are held in high esteem and are fed grain and milk by the monks at the temple.  The Hindus believe them to be the wordly incarnation of Ganesh the famous god in the form of an elephant. They believe they will be reincarnated as Sadhus, men holy in the Hindu religion, in their next lives.

Unfortunately, although rats are revered around the world they do billions of pounds worth of damage to property every year.  Hopefully this new invention will go some way to preventing this.  It actively creates a rodent-free zone around your car or other property you want to protect.  Visit the website to find out more.

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