Friday, 24 April 2015

Check Out This New Anti-Rat Flooring From Hammer Technologies

Check Out This New Anti-Rat Flooring From Hammer Technologies
Anti-Rat Flooring From Hammer Technologies
Every year an incredible amount of damage is done to humans property by rats and at the moment there is very little we can do to prevent it. A paper from 2009 demonstrated a fascinating fact. Even though we have been trapping and repelling rats for many years there is still in the region of $9 billion worth of damage to property every year. This figure applies to North America alone and so the current figure for the whole world will be dramatically higher than this.

Hammer Technologies have taken this problem seriously. They have developed a new anti-rat flooring device. It is capable of creating a perimeter around your property which the rats will not pass. It will also notify you if a rat attempts to cross the perimeter.

This new product has a patent pending on it and is totally unique.  The rats may be trying to get to food, or shelter which is the reason they may be passing through your garage or outbuildings. They often do plenty of damage along the way, chomping on fabrics, plastics and consumables. If they damage your production machinery or your car you may be out of pocket for some time as a result. Insurance may not cover you and so you may need to cover the costs of damage yourself. Don't forget you may also need to hire a car or find another way of meeting your deadlines.

Alternatively you could try to rat-proof your garage or factory but this could take a very long time and cost a lot of money. Even having put in so much time and effort you can be sure that if you miss just one hole, the rats will find it. Don't waste your money trying; invest in Hammer Technologies' new device instead.

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