Friday, 27 February 2015

What Was The Plague?

What Was The Plague?
What Was The Plague?
The plague was a terrible disease which caused an epidemic in the thirteen hundreds.  Over a hundred million people died, at least a third of the population of Europe.  The affliction is transmitted in fleas on the back of black rats.  When the flea bites someone it conveys the Yersinia pestis bacterium. The person develops the plague with temperature, cough, rotors and buboes. These are inflamed lymph nodes which turn black and ulcerated through the skin.

Death rate is 100% without treatment. Antibiotics are effective but the medication wasn't available at the time. This is what causes the incredible mortality rate and the huge impact on the world population.

Graciously the plague isn't a problem any more because of modern treatment. Unfortunately no solution has been found to the ongoing problem of rats damaging property.  Millions of pounds worth of damage are caused every year. This is despite all the pest control measures available to mankind.  Luckily Hammer Technologies have been beavering away and have come up with a product. Their rodent-repellent flooring will protect you from financial ruin.  It is useful for keeping rats away from areas which are difficult to rat-proof such as large factories and barns.  It works by creating a safe area around that which you want to protect.

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