Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Fascinating Facts And Information About Rats

Fascinating Facts And Information About Rats
Fascinating Facts And Information About Rats

Rats are known to spread around 35 disease through their urine, spit and faeces.  They are known to have spread the plague. This was caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium, through fleas on their backs.  They are surprisingly social creatures. They enjoying human company as well as missing their companions when they are on their own for some time.

They can go without water for longer than a camel. This makes them well suited to desert and other arid conditions.  Their tails are used for temperature regulation through vasodilation and construction. They are also used for communication.  They don't sweat and can survive being flushed down the toilet, being able to reenter the house via the same route.

It is unfortunate that rats cause a huge amount of damage to property every year.  Industrial, commercial and residential properties would do well to invest in one of these new rat repellent floors.  The rodent deterrent uses new patent-pending technology to ensure your cars and machines are safe and rodent free.  Rats cause around $9billion worth of damage every year in the US alone, according to a recent paper.  This is due to them looking for food, warmth and grinding down their teeth which grow at the astonishing rate of 4.5 to 5.5 inches per year

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