Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Get Rid Of Rats With These Simple Tips

Rat infestation can be a drag.  There are a couple of problems brought by rats.

- Noise.  Scurrying and scratching can keep you awake at night and can be very irritating.

- Disease.  Over 35 diseases are known to be spread by rat spittle, urine and faeces.  They spread the plague through fleas on their backs, causing one of the most devastating epidemics of all history. Up to 2/3 of the population of Europe was killed.

Get Rid Of Rats With These Simple Tips
Get Rid Of Rats With These Simple Tips
- Damage.  Rats teeth grow continuously at a rate of 5 inches per year. As a result they gnaw hard (sometimes expensive) materials to wear them down.​ So what can you so about it? Block holes in skirtings and around pipes and wires.  Use cement, sheet steel or other materials they can't chew through to keep them out.  They will chew through wood and plastic to maintain their route. Eliminate all sources of water by blocking leaks and replacing the washers on leaking taps.  Drain puddles.  Without local water supply the rats are likely to leave. If you can't sort the problem out try Hammer Technologies' Anti-Rat Flooring.  It creates a rat-free zone around your property using new patent-pending technology.  The unique system creates bespoke solutions to help you get rid of rats.

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