Sunday, 15 March 2015

Save Yourself A Fortune In Rat Damage With Hammer Technologies' New Rat Repellent Flooring

Hammer Technologies have been beavering away to develop an incredible new product which will help to solve your rat problem. For many years now no significant breakthroughs have been made in this area. People are resorting to old-fashioned traps and rat repellents. These may be effective to a point.

The problem is that you may trap or repel 98% of your rat population but you've only got to miss one or two for them to cause thousands of pounds worth of damage. in a short period of time. You might not even be insured against the damage and it is also important to remember the cost of equipment down time. If your delivery van is damaged and needs to go to the garage you might miss your deliveries. If your assembly line robot is out of action, so is your assembly line for as long as it takes to repair.

Hammer Technologies new solution is patent pending and consists of rat repellent flooring. It will create an invisible boundary around the edge of your property. The rats will not want to cross this and your property will be kept safe.

So what makes rats cause this problem? There are two main reasons that rats chew and spoil materials. The first is that they may be looking for food or shelter. This leads them to burrow into storage containers and stock such as food or fabric. The second is that surprisingly enough their teeth grow constantly throughout their lives. This is at the astonishing rate of between 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 inches per year. This means that they need to work hard to wear them away and keep them short. This leads them to seek out our wires and other metal materials which will help them to grind them away.

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