Friday, 3 October 2014

The Black Death

The Black Death was the worst epidemic in the history of the world. It killed between 1/3 and 2/3 of the European population in the 14th century, depending on different accounts.  The number reported is variable as no proper records were kept at the time.  The disease originated on the arid central plains of Asia from where it spread west to Europe.  It was spread into Europe via the market town of Caffa. This was held under siege for some time by the Mongols who flung their victims over the walls of the city, spreading the infection to it's dwellers. They fled north into Europe, taking the horrendous affliction with them.

The Black Death
The Black Death
The disease was spread in fleas on the backs of black rats which traveled along trade routes.  Luckily we no longer need to be concerned about catching the plague but we still need to take measures to stop rats from chewing the wires in our cars.  Here's a great new idea from Hammer Technologies which should stop the rodents from chewing your wires and cables.  It creates a perimeter around your prized car or other possessions, keeping them safe from harm.  Have a look at their website at to find out more.

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