Tuesday, 21 October 2014

New Rat-Repellent Flooring Will Banish Rats From Your Garage or Factory

New Rat-Repellent Flooring Will Banish Rats From Your Garage or Factory
New Rat-Repellent Flooring Will Banish Rats From Your Garage or Factory
Hammer Technologies have developed an amazing new device. It looks very promising for use in the war on rats and other rodents damaging stock and machinery through chewing.

With rats getting bigger all the time and huge rats being found in sewers around the country we need to arm ourselves. We need to protect our possessions from their destructive incisors.

Using patent-pending technology the flooring is designed to create a safe perimeter around your car.  You can also use it for whatever else it is you want to protect.  Simply switch it on and away you go.

Rats cause an estimated 9 billion dollars worth of damage to property in the U.S. alone every year according to a paper from 2009.  Sometimes they are looking for food and warmth. Often they are chewing to wear away their incisors which grow throughout their lives at a rate of 4.5 to 5.5 inches a year.

Most measures to exclude rats are ineffective; blocking all the holes can be difficult as an adult rat can squeeze through a hole only 2cm across.  The flooring will really help in situations where a large area needs to be kept rodent free and blocking all the holes is impractical..

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