Thursday, 2 October 2014

How Do Rodents And Rats Affect British Culture?

How Do Rodents And Rats Affect British Culture?
How Do Rodents And Rats Affect British Culture?
Rats are portrayed in both positive and negative ways in our society.  In the British Isle of Man the word 'rat' is taboo.  This may be due to the negativity associated with rats because of their connection with spreading of human diseases.  Thirty-five different varieties are spread in their urine, saliva and spit.

In the Hindu culture rats are held in high esteem, as opposed to the British where they are not.  Hindus believe them to be the earthly incarnation of Ganesh who is the famous elephant god.  If you visit a Ganesh temple you will certainly always find that there is a statue of a rat.

British people's relationship with rats is not great.  This is partly due to the amount of damage that rats do to their property.  A US study showed that in 2009  an average of $9b worth of property damage is caused every year in the US alone by rats.  This is despite all the trapping, poisoning and repellents known to the whole of humankind.  The problem is that their teeth continue to grow continuously throughout their lives and they need to work hard to wear them down.

Conveniently a great new invention is setting out to solve the problem.  By creating an electrified perimeter this new flooring protects your possessions. It guards your car and stock from those hungry little teeth.  Let's hope it works!

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